Showing 21 - 40 of 41 results
  • Motley Fool Live featuring Jason White
  • Artisan Partners Growth Team portfolio manager Jason White recently sat down with The Motley Fool senior analyst John Rotonti to discuss the Growth team’s investment philosophy and process.
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  • Stockhead—Two key trends which indicate the rise of cloud-based tech has further to run
  • Jason White, Artisan Partners Global Discovery Fund lead portfolio manager, explains why he believes cloud-based technology still has a long runway ahead.
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  • Investment Week—Jason White on North America
  • Portfolio manager Jason White discusses where the team is finding growth opportunities against the backdrop of a maturing bull market.
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  • Value Investor Insight—Investing in Healthcare
  • Matt Kamm, portfolio manager for the Artisan Partners Growth Team, discuss where he is finding opportunities in today’s healthcare sector.
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  • A Scientific Approach to Identifying Profit Cycles
  • Portfolio managers Jim Hamel, Matt Kamm, Craigh Cepukenas and Jason White discuss their approach to identifying compelling potential growth opportunities and how they aim to make that process as scientific and repeatable as possible.
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  • Video Update—Hunting Profit Cycles
  • Portfolio manager Matt Kamm discusses how the team takes a scientific approach to unearthing compelling profit cycles.
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  • Video Update—Embracing Volatility
  • Portfolio manager Jim Hamel discusses how the Growth team approaches market volatility.
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  • Investor Strategy News—New-style capex shows up pockets of growth
  • Mike Schneider of Artisan Partners’ Growth Team discusses finding growing industrials companies amid a slower-than-usual capex cycle.
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  • Financial Review—How fund manager Artisan found growth in unloved industrials stocks
  • Mike Schneider of Artisan Partners’ Growth Team discusses growth opportunities the team is finding among innovative industrials companies.
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  • Institutional Investor—Demand Is Growing for Active Managers
  • Matt Kamm of Artisan Partners says it's a good time to be an active manager with truly differentiated, high value-add strategies offering opinionated investment in a disciplined way.
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  • Investment Week—The Biologic Drug Boom
  • Matt Kamm, portfolio manager on the Artisan Partners Growth Team, discusses interesting growth opportunities the team is finding in biotechnology companies.
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  • Investor's Business Daily—Asset Manager Artisan Plans Long-Term Growth
  • Eric Colson, CEO Artisan Partners, discusses Artisan’s thoughtful approach to long-term growth.
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  • Professional Wealth Management—Go for Growth or Value in a Global Upturn?
  • Jim Hamel of the Artisan Partners Growth Team discusses key areas where his team is finding growth opportunities.
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  • Morningstar—Artisan's Stellar Managers Earn Plenty of Medals
  • Artisan Partners has thrived in recent years. How has Artisan succeeded? First, by hiring investors who, by and large, already owned proven track records. The firm also has given them freedom to live where they want, build teams as they see fit and close funds before they grow too large. Morningstar analysts take a closer look at some of those teams.
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  • The Wall Street Transcript—Pursuing Global Growth Equities
  • Jim Hamel of the Artisan Partners Growth Team discusses some key trends the Growth team believes are driving profit acceleration now.
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  • Investment Week—Global Growth
  • Jim Hamel, lead portfolio manager of Artisan Global Opportunities Fund, discusses key secular trends he believes is driving profit acceleration for certain growth stocks.
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  • Mutual Fund Observer—Artisan Small Cap Fund (ARTSX)
  • Investors looking for a rational small-cap growth fund—one which is competitive in rising markets and exceptionally strong in rocky ones—would be well-advised to look at the reborn Artisan Small Cap Fund.
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  • Bloomberg—Bloomberg Interviews Andy Stephens
  • Portfolio manager Andy Stephens speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television’s "Bottom Line."
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  • Morningstar—A Lot to Like in the Tech Sector
  • Morningstar discussion with portfolio manager Craigh Cepukenas.
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  • Morningstar—Artisan’s Strong Investment Culture Trumps Fee Issues
  • Artisan Partners' structure is key to its investment-focused culture.
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