Showing 101 - 120 of 279 results
  • Credit Team Investor Update—Q4 2022
  • Bryan Krug and Seth Yeager, co-portfolio managers of the Artisan High Income Fund and Artisan Floating Rate Fund, discuss credit market fundamentals, portfolio positioning and where the team sees opportunities in the coming periods.
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  • Developing World Team Investor Update—Q4 2022
  • Artisan Partners Developing World Team Portfolio Manager Lewis Kaufman discusses his team’s investment philosophy, portfolio positioning and the current market environment.
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  • Antero Peak Group Investor Update—Q4 2022
  • Chris Smith, portfolio manager of the Antero Peak Group, provides an overview of the current market environment and key themes the team believes are poised to accelerate in the coming quarters.
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  • Through a Looking Glass: Artisan Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund
  • The Artisan Partners EMsights Capital Group provides background on the Artisan Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities Fund.
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  • Investing in New Frontiers — A Smart Alternative: Artisan Global Unconstrained Fund
  • The Artisan Partners EMsights Capital Group provides background on the Artisan Global Unconstrained Fund.
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  • Resiliency Through the Cycle 2022 Review
  • Lead Portfolio Manager Mark Yockey discusses investment themes and holdings that proved resilient in 2022 for the Artisan Partners Global Equity Team.
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  • Value Income Series: An Equity Income Focus
  • Portfolio Manager Craig Inman shares the team’s excitement around creating an equity income portfolio through the Artisan Value Income Strategy.
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  • Evercore Wealth Management—Independent Thinking Newsletter: Q&A with David Samra
  • Artisan Partners International Value Team Portfolio Manager David Samra shares his highly researched approach to value investing amid a volatile global environment.
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  • Value Income Series: The Genesis of Value Income
  • Portfolio Manager Tom Reynolds discusses how cross-asset experience and the unique culture at Artisan Partners led to the creation of the Artisan Value Income Strategy.
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  • Value Income Series: Flexibility to Invest in Different Parts of The Capital Structure
  • Portfolio Manager Craig Inman shares how the team sees multiple opportunities to invest in different areas of the capital structure.
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  • Value Income Series: A Non-Formulaic Approach to Dividend Investing
  • Portfolio Manager Daniel Kane explains how the team’s non-formulaic approach allows for long-term flexibility.
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  • Value Income Series: Assessing Relative Value across The Capital Structure
  • Portfolio Manager Tom Reynolds compares yield on debt vs. yield on dividends and shares how the team evaluates the most attractive place to be.
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  • Value Income Series: Our Criteria for Position Sizing
  • Portfolio Manager Daniel Kane explains how the team sizes positions within the Artisan Value Income Strategy using its three margin of safety criteria and by assessing a company’s capital structure and free cash flow generation.
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  • The Wall Street Transcript—Acceleration and Differentiation Are Keys to Outperforming the S&P
  • Artisan Partners Antero Peak Group portfolio manager Chris Smith discusses key investment themes and what to expect in the volatile periods to come.
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  • Deconstructing Alpha Podcast feat. Rezo Kanovich
  • Artisan International Small-Mid Fund portfolio manager Rezo Kanovich deconstructs the risk aspects of small stock investing and shares his approach to creating idiosyncrasy and convexity in a portfolio.
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  • Advisor Perspectives Podcast feat. Dan Kane: Value Investing in a Time of Uncertainty
  • Artisan Partners U.S. Value Team portfolio manager Daniel Kane views the current market drawdown as a healthy readjustment to the cost of capital and explains why today’s shifting financial landscape will create investment opportunities, particularly for disciplined value investors.
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  • EMsights Capital Group Investor Update—Q3 2022
  • Michael Cirami and Sarah Orvin, portfolio managers of the EMsights Capital Group, provide an overview of the current market environment, discuss portfolio positioning and expand on where the team sees opportunities in the coming periods.
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  • Antero Peak Group Investor Update—Q3 2022
  • Chris Smith, portfolio manager of the Antero Peak Group, provides an overview of the current market environment and key themes the team believes are poised to accelerate in the coming quarters.
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  • Developing World Team Investor Update—Q3 2022
  • Artisan Developing World Fund Portfolio Manager Lewis Kaufman discusses his team’s investment philosophy, portfolio positioning and the current market environment.
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  • Credit Team Investor Update—Q3 2022
  • Bryan Krug and Seth Yeager, co-portfolio managers of the Artisan High Income Fund and Artisan Floating Rate Fund, discuss credit market fundamentals, portfolio positioning and where the team sees opportunities in the coming periods.
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