Showing 141 - 160 of 291 results
  • Navigating Today’s Market Environment
  • In a recent exclusive conversation, key members of the Growth team discussed their highest conviction secular growth trends, top ideas and how they are sticking to their time-tested investment process to navigate this challenging market environment.
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  • (Value) Investing in an Inflationary World
  • Inflationary pressure is being felt around the world. What are some of the driving forces and the implications for equity investors? Portfolio Manager Dan O’Keefe shares his perspective on the current investment landscape, ESG considerations, and where he is finding opportunities at the Artisan Partners Investment Forum 2022 in New York City.
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  • Sustainable Investing Through an Emerging Markets Lens
  • Portfolio Manager Maria Negrete-Gruson, CFA and Analyst Meagan Nace, CFA discuss their bottom-up approach to sustainable investing in emerging markets.
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  • An Introduction to the International Explorer Fund
  • Artisan International Explorer Fund Co-Portfolio Managers Beini Zhou and Anand Vasagiri share their approach to finding value in the “new economy.”
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  • Artisan International Value Fund: The Case for Investing Outside the US
  • International Value team lead portfolio manager David Samra shares why he believes there is a tremendous opportunity set outside the US for investors.
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  • Artisan Partners Growth Team—2021 Annual Sustainability Report
  • 2021 marked the third year of the Artisan Partners Growth Team's ESG journey. Knowledge development and engagement were two key initiatives, and the team discusses them in this second annual report.
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  • An Analyst's Approach to Valuation
  • Gurpreet Pal, Sustainable Emerging Markets Team Analyst, discusses the team’s differentiated approach to valuations—particularly as it relates to areas the market generally views as overvalued.
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  • Software Enterprise: The Changing Ecosystem
  • Artisan Partners International Small-Mid portfolio manager Rezo Kanovich discusses the software industry’s rapidly shifting dynamics and shares the team’s nuanced approached to identifying high-quality companies in the space.
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  • The Case for Leveraged Loans
  • Portfolio Manager Bryan Krug explains the appeal of leveraged loans and multiple ways investors can use floating rate in their portfolios.
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  • A Macro Overview of the Credit Marketplace
  • Portfolio Manager Bryan Krug presents an overview of the credit market and prevailing dynamics at play.
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  • Citywire—'A Lot of True Active Management Got Diluted'
  • Artisan Partners CEO Eric Colson reflects on lessons that the industry has and hasn’t learned and what the future looks like for a pure active asset manager.
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  • Peak Insights: An Exclusive Conversation with Chris Smith and Analog Devices
  • Antero Peak Group Portfolio Manager Chris Smith recently joined Analog Devices’ President and CEO Vincent Roche to discuss the tectonic shifts happening in the new era of computing and how semiconductor companies are poised to benefit from the increased demand.
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  • Punching Above Their Weight Class: High Value-Added Bottlenecks
  • High value-added bottlenecks are a cornerstone of the Artisan International Small-Mid Fund. Portfolio Manager Rezo Kanovich shares how high value-added bottlenecks’ resilient business models and sustainable pricing power lead to long-term investment opportunities.
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  • ESGandMe: In Our DNA—Investing With an Innate Consideration for ESG
  • In the absence of industry consensus, investors continue their search for effective methods of ESG evaluation. Portfolio manager Rezo Kanovich shares the team’s idiosyncratic approach to ESG that has long been integral to the team’s research and decision-making processes.
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  • Peak Insights: Building Blocks of a Modern Network
  • Antero Peak Group Analyst Noel Culhane discusses major shifts occurring in the computing industry over the next five-plus years and what he believes to be the building blocks of a 21st-century network.
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  • Peak Insights: An Exclusive Conversation with Chris Smith and Agilent Technologies
  • Antero Peak Group Portfolio Manager Chris Smith recently joined Agilent Technologies CFO Bob McMahon to discuss how increased investment in research and development is advancing bleeding edge life science tools and technologies.
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  • Citywire Selector—Artisan Partners Launches Post-Venture China Strategy for Tiffany Hsiao
  • Artisan Partners portfolio manager Tiffany Hsiao explains her process for finding next-generation disruptors in the post-venture space.
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  • Artisan Partners Growth Team—2020 Annual Sustainability Report
  • The Artisan Partners Growth Team explores its overall philosophy and process for incorporating ESG factors into its bottom-up fundamental approach to investing, as well as some highlights around its efforts in 2020 in this inaugural sustainability report.
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  • Business Insider—Investing in China: Star PM Shares Three Sector Picks Amid Innovation Boom
  • Artisan Partners portfolio manager Tiffany Hsiao explains why investors should capture the untapped alpha and uncorrelated growth of China
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  • Why China Now?
  • Artisan Partners portfolio manager Tiffany Hsiao discusses the opportunity set in China and what she believes makes it unique today.
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