31 July 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Artisan Partners announced today that Jay Warner has been named Co-Lead Portfolio Manager of the Artisan Small Cap Fund, managed by the Artisan Partners Growth Team. Craigh Cepukenas is also Co-Lead Portfolio Manager of the Fund. Mr. Warner and Mr. Cepukenas will continue in their roles as Portfolio Managers for the Artisan Global Opportunities, Global Discovery and Mid Cap Funds, which are led by Portfolio Managers Jim Hamel, Jason White and Matt Kamm, respectively.
Mr. Warner, CFA, joined Artisan Partners’ Growth team as an Analyst in 2003. Initially, he conducted fundamental research as a generalist, but over time developed deep knowledge, expertise and research leadership primarily on financial companies. He was promoted to Associate Portfolio Manager in February 2019 and Portfolio Manager in January 2022. Prior to joining the Growth team, Mr. Warner worked as an accountant. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in finance, investments and banking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Warner was a licensed Certified Public Accountant.
Regarding the promotion, Mr. Cepukenas said, “Jay has consistently added value as a decision maker and has proven himself a strong leader. He has greatly expanded his overall knowledge of the portfolios and across sectors. This promotion is further recognition of the value Jay has added for clients and shareholders. It also demonstrates our confidence in Jay and his sound judgment.”
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Artisan Partners Funds offered through Artisan Partners Distributors LLC, member FINRA, a wholly owned broker/dealer subsidiary of Artisan Partners Holdings LP. Artisan Partners Limited Partnership, an investment advisory firm and adviser to Artisan Partners Funds, is owned by Artisan Partners Holdings, LP. Artisan Partners Limited Partnership does not provide investment advice directly to shareholders of the Artisan Partners Funds. Materials on this website are informational only and should not be taken as investment recommendation or advice of any kind whatsoever (whether impartial or otherwise).
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