Showing 201 - 220 of 223 results
  • Enhancing Fundamental Research With Analytical Tools
  • In addition to rigorous bottom-up research, Antero Peak Group portfolio manager Chris Smith leverages a slew of analytical tools to eliminate subjectivity and manage risk.
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  • What Will Be Emerging Markets’ Next Evolution?
  • As emerging market economies evolve, so do the most attractive long-term investments. The Artisan Partners Sustainable Emerging Markets Team discusses where investors should look for new opportunities.
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  • Accounting for Country Risk Over Time
  • Country risk assessments must be as dynamic as the countries they measure. The Artisan Partners Sustainable Emerging Markets Team elaborates on how it factors country risk into its investment process.
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  • The Critical Importance of Travel
  • In an age of readily available digital data, does travel still provide worthwhile investing insights? Artisan Sustainable Emerging Markets team shares its take on the role travel plays in its approach to finding sustainable growth opportunities in emerging markets.
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  • How Globalization and Global Trade Impact Emerging Markets
  • Adaptation is imperative for emerging markets companies. Portfolio manager Maria Negrete-Gruson shares why she believes globalization inevitably leads to readjustment.
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  • ESG in Emerging Markets: A Differentiated Perspective
  • Sustainable Emerging Markets Portfolio Manager Maria Negrete-Gruson discusses her team’s differentiated perspective on identifying ESG opportunities in emerging economies.
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  • A Forward-Looking Approach to Sustainability
  • Portfolio Manager Maria Negrete-Gruson explains how the sustainability of a company's earnings goes hand-in-hand with its environmental, social and corporate governance factors.
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  • Data and the IoT
  • Antero Peak Group portfolio manager Chris Smith discusses the opportunities his team is finding thanks to the rising importance of the Internet of things (IoT).
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  • Corporate Governance Considerations in Emerging Markets
  • Why is corporate governance such a critical consideration in emerging markets investing? Artisan Sustainable Emerging Markets team shares its thoughts.
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  • Are Negative Screens Valuable in Emerging Markets Investing?
  • Negative screens can be a valuable tool in identifying sustainable growth opportunities in emerging markets—but they offer some downside, too. The Sustainable Emerging Markets team elaborates on its view.
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  • What Makes EM a Compelling Asset Class?
  • Emerging markets tend to be more volatile—but can that make them more compelling as an asset class? The Sustainable Emerging Markets team shares its views.
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  • The Artisan Difference
  • Antero Peak Group portfolio manager Chris Smith explains why Artisan Partners is the right place for his team.
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  • Thematic Idea Generation
  • Antero Peak Group portfolio manager Chris Smith discusses his team's thematic approach to idea generation.
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  • Country-Specific Risk in Emerging Markets
  • Nicolas Rodriguez-Brizuela and Meagan Nace, analysts on the Artisan Partners Sustainable Emerging Markets Team, discuss the team's approach to evaluating country-specific risk factors across emerging markets.
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  • The Outlook for Shifting Dynamics of Emerging Markets Firms
  • It’s a mistake to consider emerging markets investing as merely a leveraged bet on developed markets. As bottom-up stock pickers, the key is finding companies that can compete and grow even when the global economic winds are not at their back.
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  • How Geopolitics Matters to Emerging Markets
  • Surging populism and nationalism are altering the global trade regime. And it’s likely to be a prolonged disruption. The firms willing and able to acknowledge and prepare for these changes are best positioned to thrive in this rapidly changing environment.
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  • Managing Bouts of Volatility
  • Bouts of volatility can strain financial markets, especially in emerging economies. But this volatility is a feature of EM investing, not a bug, and to EM investors it represents the best prospects for higher long-term growth.
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  • Finding the True Emerging Markets Opportunity Set
  • Portfolio Manager Maria Negrete-Gruson and her team discuss the MSCI EM index and how they approach identifying the true EM opportunity set.
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  • A Scientific Approach to Identifying Profit Cycles
  • Portfolio managers Jim Hamel, Matt Kamm, Craigh Cepukenas and Jason White discuss their approach to identifying compelling potential growth opportunities and how they aim to make that process as scientific and repeatable as possible.
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  • Video Update—Hunting Profit Cycles
  • Portfolio manager Matt Kamm discusses how the team takes a scientific approach to unearthing compelling profit cycles.
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