19 August 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Artisan Partners announced today that Craigh Cepukenas will step down from portfolio management responsibilities at the end of the year. While Mr. Cepukenas will remain an active member of the Artisan Partners Growth Team in an advisory capacity as a managing director, he will no longer be responsible for portfolio management decisions after December 31, 2024.

Starting January 1, 2025, Co-Lead Portfolio Manager Jay Warner will become sole Lead Portfolio Manager on the Artisan U.S. Small-Cap Growth Strategy. Artisan Partners Growth Team Portfolio Managers Jim Hamel, Matt Kamm and Jason White will continue to lead the Artisan Global Opportunities, U.S. Mid-Cap Growth and Global Discovery Strategies, respectively.

The Growth team will maintain its highly collaborative approach, managing each of its portfolios according to the same investment philosophy and process that has been in place since the team’s inception.

Mr. Kamm explained, “Craigh has reached a stage in his life and career where it makes sense to reduce his involvement in day-to-day portfolio management activities. Meanwhile, Jay has added tremendous value for clients while consistently demonstrating the strong leadership and expertise needed to lead the U.S. Small-Cap Growth portfolio.”

Artisan Partners President Jason Gottlieb added, “Since joining the firm in 1995, Craigh has contributed to delivering solid long-term results for clients; he also has developed investment talent and embodied the Growth team’s culture. We have full confidence in Jay’s ability to continue the outstanding work that has defined the Growth team for decades.”

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