
Lewis Kaufman

Investment Process

The investment team seeks to build, preserve and enhance a stream of compounded business value. It defines this emphasis as follows:

Pair low penetration domestic demand with scalable and enduring businesses that are able to drive value creation and disproportionate outcomes.

Preserve value creation and establish a forward-looking construct for managing risk.

Leverage value pathways to enhance long-term value creation.

  • Lewis S. Kaufman, CFA
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Developing World Strategy
  • 26Years Investment

Lewis S. Kaufman, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and founding portfolio manager of the Developing World team. In this role, he is the portfolio manager for the Artisan Developing World Strategy.

Prior to joining Artisan Partners in February 2015, Mr. Kaufman was a managing director and portfolio manager for Thornburg Investment Management, where he managed the Developing World Strategy from its inception in 2009 through January 2015. Mr. Kaufman also co-managed the International ADR Strategy from 2007 through 2013, after joining Thornburg in 2005 as an associate portfolio manager. Prior to joining Thornburg, Mr. Kaufman held various investment-related positions with Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Mr. Kaufman graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in English from Colgate University and holds a master’s degree in business administration from Duke University Fuqua School of Business.